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Donation Total: $5.00

To Donate now, click on the button above

To Donate by Cheque – please make your cheque payable to TORONTO KALIBARI and post it to our address:
Toronto Kalibari
6815 Professional Court,
Mississauga, Ontario, L4V 1Y3

An Appeal


All Devotees, Patrons, Advertisers, Members of Toronto Kalibari

Today the world is facing an unprecedented challenge, with the fast spreading COVID-19 pandemic affecting communities and economies everywhere. To combat it everyone is coming together.

Our Government in Canada announced and advised a complete lock-down of all non-essential establishments, which included Temples, Churches, Mosques, and other religious institutions.

Prior to the lockdown, devotees from all walks of life would visit the Toronto Kalibari for peace of mind and to offer their prayers to the deity of MA KALI, and as a mark of profound respect while seeking the blessings from Ma, for the Family and Self, would contribute generously to the temples funds. Since more than a month, the visitation to the Temple has been completely stopped, and because of this situation the temples funds are depleted. The Toronto Kalibari (a non-profit religious, charitable organization) is facing a grim situation. As there are several liabilities, that the Kali Bari must meet immediately.
The main obligations are the monthly Mortgage and Insurance payments that need to be done. Additionally, there are numerous other expenses like utility bills, gas, maintenance, security, etc. that need to be paid.

It is the need of the hour for every devotee to step in a united manner, to save the Temple of our divine Mother Ma Kali, by donating generously. Under the circumstances, we the Trustees of Kalibari request you, for your support in saving the only Kali Temple in Canada.

Our Kali temple was established more than three decades ago for serving the community spiritually. Our temple, over all these years, has played a key role in bringing the community together, to make a harmonious environment for everybody and provide our young generation with an understanding of Hindu values and Indian customs/traditions.

Once again, we would like to make a sincere appeal to all of you for your kind and thoughtful consideration to provide your liberal donations to save our beloved Kalibari Temple.

To Donate now, click on the button below –

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Donation Total: $5.00

To Donate by Cheque – please make your cheque payable to TORONTO KALIBARI and post it to our address:
Toronto Kalibari
6815 Professional Court,
Mississauga, Ontario, L4V 1Y3

Stay safe and healthy. May God bless you and your family.


Trustees of Toronto Kalibari